guidance, clarity, & support

Being a human can be confusing, complicated, and hard. Tarot meets us where we are, pointing to that which longs for our attention.

The mind seeks control and safety,
but the soul is here for the adventure called Life.

A reading will deepen your understanding of whatever you are in the midst of. Tarot can help you feel supported and affirmed.

Where do you find guidance and support along your path?

This moment is full of magic.

My approach to Tarot takes us deeply into the present moment. This is where healing happens.

We think we will find what we are looking for around the next corner. Or the next...
What if what you are seeking is right here?

Sit with me for a time and we’ll dive into the wisdom available now.

What to expect with a reading…

TIME: Tarot readings usually take 30-45 minutes.

PLACE: Unless we’re meeting in person, I will send you an invite to Google Meet, where you will be able to see both me and the cards. You do not need to have a Google account to use Google Meet.

COST: I suggest a payment ranging from $25-$60, reflecting both the value of your experience and what you can afford. I want these readings to be accessible to folks of all means.

Afterward you will receive an email that includes an image and summary of your cards, along with a reflection question for each card.